11 June 2012

Memories of Strawberry Jam


Grandpa Glasgow came over today and helped Rebecca and Emily make 3 batches of Strawberry Jam. I am very grateful for his help. After the way that I felt yesterday I didn’t think I would be any help in making the jam. However, I felt pretty good most of the day today. It was so nice that I could help out as needed, interact peacefully with Kevin and MaryAnn, and work on some other projects while the jam making got taken care of without me.

I thought about the time I made strawberry jam 13 years ago. It was near the beginning of May, Emily’s due date to be exact (whatever day that was) and I was making Strawberry Jam. I either was helped by Rebecca (18 months) or Rebecca and Heather, my best friend, but I’m not so clear on that. I just remember that it was Emily’s due date, we thought that she was going to be a boy, and I was so proud that even though I was exactly 9 months pregnant I was capable of making Strawberry Jam, I always did love being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen!

I also remember Brad and I both thought that Emily was going to be a boy.May 2011 Scans0000952A We had an ultrasound, but it was later in pregnancy and they couldn’t tell us girl or boy, so I had picked out a cute boy outfit and had it packed in my bag ready to go, I ended up saving it for Isaac. Sometime that jam making day, I realized that if it was a girl I would feel really bad for not having a girl outfit at the hospital with me, so I went shopping. Coming home outfits are important business, but to tell you the truth I have no idea if this is coming home day or not!

This is probably i though, we took a lot fewer pictures before digital camera’s, and although she looks 2 months old, she never was a small baby, Emily was 10lbs 8.5 ounces at birth.

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