19 August 2010

Scriptures 4 Kids

We discovered a great website this summer called Scriptures 4 Kids. I love it because it has 4 versions, or levels, of Book of Mormon stories for kids. There are also games, and other fun activities. I should have my kids write the review, they are on there more than I am.

Immediately following devotional we have what we call "Scripture Reading Time". The kids each get to go to a different station each day. Computers is one station and they are allowed to do things on the computer that involve the gospel, so Scriptures 4 kids has been a great addition to their scripture reading time.

Other activities that they do on the computer are, LDS.org, friend.lds.org, newera.lds.org, scriptures.lds.org, scripturescouts.com.

One thing to note about scriptures4kids, it doesn't work consistently in Firefox, so make sure you use internet explorer.


Bonnie said...

MAybe that has been our problem. Ally has played on it a couple times, but it didn't seem to always work....

Ruth said...

Thanks Nancy for the wonderful resources. I look forward to showing my kids!

scriptures4kids said...

Hey! I am Angela, the mom that made Scriptures 4 Kids. I noticed someone link to my page from your site today and I thought I would check out your page. I am thrilled that your kids enjoy the site. But I am sad to hear that it doesn't work all the time. Would you be willing to email me at angela@scriptures4kids.com and let me know what problems you are having? I want to see if we can trouble shoot them and fix them so that it won't be a problem for others. I would really appreciate your help!
